Oliver Wallace Diary
August 1902

Fri. Aug. 1, 1902 Dan & I halled dirt in the barn & spread it out. Received $4.50 cts for cattle pasture of Troup east of Monoquet. Paid Z. Garrison $7.35 to pay B. Witham.
Sat. Aug. 2, 1902 Helped Bankses thrash 6 loads of wheat this morning & then helped H. Bowers a little over 1/2 day with 3 hands, no team. I thrashed after supper 193 bu of wheat. Paid E. Milelr for Z. Garrison $6.00. Paid Homer Becraff $2.00. He helped me thrash all day at Bankses & here after supper.
Sun. Aug. 3, 1902 At home all day. 
Mon. Aug. 4, 1902 Z. Garrison, E. Miller, Wood & George Warfle worked all day. I finished thrashing today. Had 961 or 971. I most forgot which. One hand & team from Corrells. Becraff helped me thrash today. 
Tues. Aug. 5, 1902 Z. Garrison, G. Warfle, Wood & E. Miller all day. Correll thrashed today. Dan Becraff & I helped 1 day. Sent to warsaw after cord & window pulleys with John Blosser. Gave him $1.00 to J. Grabner
Wed. Aug. 6, 1902 Dan & John went up in the north east field & gathered up sheaves of wheat that was growed & the pitchers left. Paid Z. Garrison $14.40 what he owed E. Miller yet.Settled up with Z. Garrison for building the barn. Was dr to him $107.25. Paid him the above.
Thurs. Aug. 7, 1902  Dan & I went down to the marsh in the fore noon. Correll & I went down in the afternoon & went dow to Bill Gokenhours to see the machine we went down to J. Blacks to see about thrashing.
Fri. Aug. 8, 1902 Dan & I with team helped James Irvin thrash oats till noon. Bankses thrashed 273 bu oats at Powell place. I thrashed 339 bu of oats.
Sat. Aug. 9, 1902 Dan Blosser & I went to warsaw. Paid the Lion Store $1.00 for muslin for fly covers. Paid J. Grabner for plow pints $1.10. Paid Dan Blosser $5.00.
Sun. Aug. 10, 1902 Went to Sunday School in the fore noon. Went up to Mulls in the afternoon to help revise the Clas Book.
Mon. Aug. 11, 1902 Dan plowed. I laid flooring in the barn.
Tues. Aug. 12, 1902 Dan plowed. John & I halled sand in the barn.
Wed. Aug. 13, 1902 Dan plowed. John & I halled sand in the barn.
Thurs. Aug. 14, 1902  Dan & I helped Fred Rinkberg thrash 3/4 day. 2 hands. Dan & I helped Curdan Dall thrash with team from 4 oclock till night.
Fri. Aug. 15, 1902 Dan & I helped John Harman thrash his oats then we went over to Hays & thrashed in the afternoon. 
Sat. Aug. 16, 1902 Paid Etta $2.50 preacher money. Her & I went to quarterly conference in the afternoon. I paid E. Smith $20.00 on hay fork.
Sun. Aug. 17, 1902 Went up to Sunday School
Mon. Aug. 18, 1902 I went to Warsaw to mill. Paid H___ $25.35 cts for spouting the barn & putting tin on the dome. 10 cts per foot for spoutting & 3 1/2 for dome per foot. Paid 50 cts for Eskas food I went over to F. Clingers & borrowed $40.00. To get $30. more in a couple days. 
Tues. Aug. 19, 1902 Dan & I went down to the Irvin farm & picked the pears. Sold John Cummings wife 1 bu for 50 cts. John & I halled sand in the barn 4 loads.
Wed. Aug. 20, 1902 I went to Warsaw after the Doctor for the Baby. Came out in the afternoon. Received 50 cts of Kilmers for pears 1 bu. Paid Kilmers $1.00 for sugar. Paul & I went to Atwood to get beef for the Baby. I settled with E. Smith. Paid him $12.73 for hay carrier & slings. Mrs. F. Clinger brought me $30.00 making $70.00 that I gave my note for.
Thurs. Aug. 21, 1902  At home. I helped John start to plow in the fore noon.
Fri. Aug. 22, 1902 John & Affa took Lib & Mrs. Rarick to warsaw. Lib took the Baby over. They are going to stay awhile. Gave Affa $2.00
Sat. Aug. 23, 1902 I mowed weeds in the fore noon. Went to Warsaw in the afternoon to see how the Baby was getting. Was no better. Gave Lib $2.00
Sun. Aug. 24, 1902 Dan, Paul & I went to warsaw. The baby rested a little better today. Her bowels was no better. Graham Rose girl & another girl was up. Proffeser Newell was up. He preached at Clunette this evening.
Mon. Aug. 25, 1902 Dan & I fixed fence back of the corn field then he went to the Powell place to plow.
Tues. Aug. 26, 1902 At home. Went down to salt my cattle in the fore noon. Came home & went to Warsaw. The Babe wasant any better.
Wed. Aug. 27, 1902 Went to warsaw & stade all day. Paid out 30 cts. The Babe was better today.
Thurs. Aug. 28, 1902 Chorring in the fore noon. Went with Levy down to the Irvin Farm. Sold him 2 3-year old heiffers at 4 cts per lb with 50 lb off on the small one. Probilay with calf. Trella sent Affa her gradwating pressent up with me.
Fri. Aug. 29, 1902 F. Correll & I went down to the Irvin Farm to see about cattle. Bought 1 mellon of Campbell. It was green. I went to warsaw in the afternoon after Lib & the Baby. Paid Hafer & Richardson $2.00 for John shoes. Affa settled with C. Ross for musick lessons.
Sat. Aug. 30, 1902 At home all day. Chored. John & the girls went to the Bailor Reunion down to F. Bawghers down to Talma. 
Sun. Aug. 31, 1902 At home all day.