Oliver Wallace Diary
December 1905

Fri. Dec. 1, 1905 I fixed up at the old barn. Marshall Wallace was down. John & him went rabbit hunting.
Sat. Dec. 2, 1905 About 3 inches of snow this morning. I went rabbit hunting about an hour this morning. Did not get any. I helped Lib put down Linolium the rest of the day in the kitchen.
Sun. Dec. 3, 1905 At home all day.
Mon. Dec. 4, 1905 Bill Gochenhour got my buck sheap today. I took the stalls & flooring out of the old barn horse stable.
Tues. Dec. 5, 1905 I fixed at the old barn. Ezra was out today. John helped Corrells bale hay down to C. Wolfs. Correll paid him $1.25
Wed. Dec. 6, 1905 I sent to Montgomery WArd & Co for a sleigh & other goods to the amount of $37.37 dollars. The sleigh was $19.95. I bought 5 shoats of Phil Banks at 4.50 per hundred. The 5 weighed 530 lb. $23.85 cash.
Thurs. Dec. 7, 1905 I worked at the old barn repairing it. J. Harman borrowed the butchering tools. 
Fri. Dec. 8, 1905 John & I raised the North side of the old barn. Dident get done. Will Byrer was here in the after noon. Had his foundered horse here for me to see. 
Sat. Dec. 9, 1905 We finished raising the old barn on the north side in the fore noon. I worked on the inside in the afternoon. I paid F. Correll the thrasher money that I had collected $59.20. Him & John Harman paid off the note at the State Bank that it held against the Co. It was given in my name.
Sun. Dec. 10, 1905 At home all day. There was no sunday school today on the account of the stove pipe. Mrs. Whetstone died yesterday morning at 6 oclock.
Mon. Dec. 11, 1905 I repaired at the old barn. I sold E. Cook 10 head of hogs at 4.50 to deliver them Wednesday.
Tues. Dec. 12, 1905 I went down to Zed Campbells sale. Did not buy any thing. Was at Bill Gochenhours for dinner. I took Art Anglins sow up to C. Powells. 
Wed. Dec. 13, 1905 I took 10 hogs & 8 lambs to Atwood. The hogs weighed 1630, brought $73.35. The lambs weighed 680 lb & I bought 6 young lambs. They weighed 410 - leaves 270 lb at 6 1/2 $17.55. Total hogs & sheap $90.90. 
Thurs. Dec. 14, 1905 I butchered one of the shoats I got of Phil Banks. It dressed at 80 lb. John & Homer Correll cut wood today for me.
Fri. Dec. 15, 1905 I fixed at the old barn today raising on the north side. J. Harmon borrowed my hog rack.
Sat. Dec. 16, 1905 John & I went to Warsaw, John White put a crown on one of my teeth. Paid him $7.00. Paid A. Goshard 50 cts for sugar.
Sun. Dec. 17, 1905 Went to sunday school today. Paid Harry Bittikoffer elder money 50 cts.
Mon. Dec. 18, 1905 Lib & Etta went to warsaw. I gave Lib $2. & Etta $4.00. Ezra & Mr. Breding came out & got their cow. I fixed at the old barn.
Tues. Dec. 19, 1905 I went down to D. Nines & got 38 chickens for mom. They weighed 160 1/2 at 8 cts per lb. I put some of the paper on the henhouse at the old barn in the fore noon. John & I went down to the Irvin farm & put in post between Pelletts & me. Bill Gochenhour helped 1/2 day.
Wed. Dec. 20, 1905 I helped F. Corrells butcher today.
Thurs. Dec. 21, 1905 I worked down to the old barn. John went to warsaw to get his teeth fixed. I gave him $3.00.
Fri. Dec. 22, 1905 I gathered preacher money & went to Zion to quarterly meeting. Paid R. Fink $5.78. E. Whetstone $1.00 for gasoline, sugar & hankerchiefs.
Sat. Dec. 23, 1905 I took my cattle over to C. Powells & weighed them. The black stear & one with yellow spot on neck & 2 last I got of Charley, the three other ones I got weighed 6090. Of Charley & the Pellett stear 5580. Joursey & chunkey Banks stear 2550. the Leggy Banks stear 2290 & Dawson stear. Total 16, 510 divided by 12. They averaged 1375 each. Lib, Etta, Mary & Paul went to warsaw. I gave Paul 50 cts.
Sun. Dec. 24, 1905 At home all day.
Mon. Dec. 25, 1905 Vick & Marshal Wallace were down rabbit hunting. Them & the boys got 24. Correll & I went up to my woods & dug 6 skunk out of one hole. 
Tues. Dec. 26, 1905 F. Correll & I went skunk hunting. We got one back of their orchard.
Wed. Dec. 27, 1905 John went to mill. Took 6 bu wheat & 5 sacks corn & 3 of oats. 48 cts for grinding chop & $1.75 worth of brand.
Thurs. Dec. 28, 1905 Correll & I took 2 loads of my hay to Atwood in the fore noon. It rained in the after noon. We dident take any. Lib, Mary & Hope went out to Frank Pinkertons. Stade over night.
Fri. Dec. 29, 1905  Storm. I helped Correll fix his pump in the afternoon. Lib & the children came home today. 
Sat. Dec. 30, 1905 F. Correll, John & I finished curing my hay. 9 ton 740 lb. He is Dr for the above hay at $8.25 per ton. I paid Atwood freight agent $1.30 cts freight on sleigh.
Sun. Dec. 31, 1905 I was at home all day. Lib & the children went to sunday school. John & Etta went over to Millards.