Oliver Wallace Diary
December 1907

Sun. Dec. 1, 1907 We went up to Sunday School then we went down to John Harmons for dinner.
Mon. Dec. 2, 1907 I went down to the marsh & brought 9 yearlings home in the fore noon. I went hunting with Vick & John in the afternoon. I killed 2 rabbits & 1 quail. They got about 25 rabbits & 12 quail. I paid Vick 45 cts for 1 box of shells.
Tues. Dec. 3, 1907  Snowing. John & I halled 3 loads of fodder from the Powell place. It snowed a little all day. John came home this morning with my buggy top broke up & one spring broke.
Wed. Dec. 4, 1907 Cold but nice. I settled with John Miner for husking corn. Owed him $2.15. Pd him the same today.
Thurs. Dec. 5, 1907 John helped Meeks husk a load of corn & brought it over here in the fore noon. I chored & made a fence from the corner of the old barn to the straw stack so the calves could have the west part & the big cattle the east part.
Fri. Dec. 6, 1907 John & I halled 3 loads of fodder from the Powell place & stacked it out in the lane north of the orchard. Gave John Wallace $1.00.
Sat. Dec. 7, 1907 Paul, Lib & I went to warsaw. We went to George Dawsons for dinner. I borrowed $100.00 of Mrs. Dawson for 90 days. Note given 1 day after date. I paid Mrs. Fitch the ballance I owed her on the corn I bought of her $34.03, making $44.05 in all for 101 bu & 45 lb. I paid Wm. Conrad & Son $37.50 for the second hand buggy I bought last spring & for sheing a horse. Paid Doctor Maby for a trip out here $6.00. Paid the Globe $8.50 for Paul a suit. John helped Meeks husk corn. Had the team they husked with the husker.
Sun. Dec. 8, 1907 We went up to Sunday School. I gave G. W. Bittikoffer $5.50 for the preacher & elder. We came home & went down to B. Gokenhours. Came home & went up to the ME church to meeting.
Mon. Dec. 9, 1907 John & I butchered the hog I got of the old man Renchburg in the afternoon. Rained all the afternoon.
Tues. Dec. 10, 1907 John & I halled a load of wood from the Fitch farm in the fore noon. I fixed at my buggy top in the afternoon.
Wed. Dec. 11, 1907 I cut up the hog that John & I killed on Monday. Cut the lard up and made sausage. J. Harmon came up & got part of my butchering tools & Corrells got the rest in the evening. Gave Paul 10 cts to get a lantern globe.
Thurs. Dec. 12, 1907 Lib & I helped Corrells butcher today. They butchered 6 hogs.
Fri. Dec. 13, 1907 I fixed at the buggy top part of the day. Tennant came over & hem & I went back in the Bittikoffer marsh rabbit hunting. We did not get any. Lib & the children went to Clunette to church in the evening. Paid Whetstone 50 cts for coal oil.
Sat. Dec. 14, 1907 Snow & rain. I finished the buggy top & halled some hay to the old barn & some straw from there up to the new barn. 3 or 4 inches of snow this morning.
Sun. Dec. 15, 1907 Paul, Dale & Mary went to Sunday School. Mama had the head ache.
Mon. Dec. 16, 1907 I went to warsaw & got medicine of Dr. McDonald for Lib. She complained of headache & her limbs hurting her. Pd. him 50 cts. Paid Stoffer $1.35 for 25 lb of sugar. Paid Richardson $1.25 for me over shoes. John took the Shank sow down to C. Klingers. 
Tues. Dec. 17, 1907 Fine. John & I halled 15 shocks of corn in the fore noon from the Powell place & husked 8 of them in the afternoon. Ezra was out in the afternoon. I paid John $1.40 on the corn that I bought of him. We got our bobs out today & halled on them.
Wed. Dec. 18, 1907 Done my feeding and helped mama. George Dawson was here a little while this afternoon.  
Thurs. Dec. 19, 1907 Done my chores & went rabbit hunting a while in the fore noon. Dident get any. I shot a pigeon down to the old barn.
Fri. Dec. 20, 1907 Done the chores & halled 5 shocks of corn from the Powell place. I shot a rabbit down in J. Harmons woods. 
Sat. Dec. 21, 1907 Fair Sledding. Paul & I took 7 turkeys & 8 chickens to warsaw. Turkeys weighed 108 at 14 cts. Chickens weighed 49 at 6 1/2 cts. I borrowed $85.00 of the St. Bank & paid Libs note that she owed C. Klinger on the 1 3/4 acres of land she bought of him. The note was $82.00. Let it go on the corn I bought of her. Paid P. Bradway 25 cts for candy. I jumped out of the loft of the hen house on a nail. Run it in my right foot.
Sun. Dec. 22, 1907 Rain & Snow. Went up to Sunday School. Came home & Lib & Paul went up to church in the evening.
Mon. Dec. 23, 1907 Rain & Snow. I stade in all day on the account of my foot. John & Paul halled a load of hay to the old barn.
Tues. Dec. 24, 1907 Weather nice. I was in the house all day. My foot was not better. The boys halled a load of wood from Polands. 
Wed. Dec. 25, 1907 Fine. I helped do the chores in the morning. Got the mail & looked over it till noon. I got a letter from Affa from N. Dacota. She sent Mama & I a $5.00 bill. $2.50 for me and the same for Mama. She sent Dale a tie, Mary a ring, John and Paul each a stick pin. Paul, Dale & I went to the Powell place & got some fodder. I killed 2 quail.
Thurs. Dec. 26, 1907 Sprinkled rain. We butchered 2 hogs today. Did not cut them up today. Ezra was here today. Ezra got 9 lb Shoulder, 4 1/2 lb Side, 7 1/2 lb Bk Bone, 1 side of ribs. 
Fri. Dec. 27, 1907  Raining this eveing. I cut the 2 hogs up that we killed yesterday & rendered the lard out. Had abo9ut 10 gallons.
Sat. Dec. 28, 1907 Snow all went off last night. I chored in the fore noon. Lib & Paul went to Warsaw in the after noon. Paul got the blanket that I drawed at Wm. Conrad & Sons. I sugar cured my meat. Gave John Wallace 50 cts.
Sun. Dec. 29, 1907 We went up to Sunday School. Came home. Birt Bowers & Rich Harman was up.
Mon. Dec. 30, 1907 Snow & rain mist. Done the feeding & fixed the hog house. Awfull muddy.
Tues. Dec. 31, 1907  Nice. I took my Klinger sow down to Klingers.