Oliver Wallace Diary
February 1902

Sat. Feb. 1, 1902 Dan & John halled 4 load of wood from H. Bowers wood's. This makes 36 loads to date. 3 load of post. Put 5 loads of the above in the wood house.
Sun. Feb. 2, 1902 Blustery. At home all day. I went over to Charley Powells & cleaned a cow. He is Dr for the same. 50 cts. Pd.
Mon. Feb. 3, 1902 Cold west wind. 10 Below. Dan took the children to school. Him & I fixed harness. He went after the children in the evening. Half soled one of Affas shoes.
Tues. Feb. 4, 1902 Cold. 10 below. Dan took the children to school. I half soled one of Affas shoes in the forenoon. Henry, Dan & I helped the mail man through the snow drifts. Dan & I went after the school children.
Wed. Feb. 5, 1902 Cold 14 below. Dan & I helped shovel snow all day. Had our team 1/2 day. I subscribed for a dictionary today. Price $1.25. 25 cts paid. He got his dinner here.
Thurs. Feb. 6, 1902  Snow Fluries. 10 Above. Dan & I went down to the Powell place after corn & oats. Elisha Millers time is up today. Chored in the afternoon. Snowing.
Fri. Feb. 7, 1902 Chored. Dan & I took 9 head of stears down to the Powell place.
Sat. Feb. 8, 1902 Dan, John, Affa & I went to Warsaw. Paid Phillipson $8.85 for John overcoat, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair overhalls & muffler. 59 cts for groseries at Kilmers. 45 cts to J. Grabner for wash basin & tacks. Let Correll have $20.00 to pay for horses that he bought today.
Sun Feb. 9, 1902  The children went to church & sunday school.
Mon. Feb. 10, 1902 I took the children to school & went down to John Koontz & got Elder money & bought 6 turkeys. Paid 8 1/2 cts per lb, total $5.90. I went down to Garrisons to see him about building a barn.
Tues. Feb. 11, 1902 Took the children to school & went up to water the cattle. Saw Elisha about moving. Mr. Garrison was up to see about building me a barn. He was here for dinner. Dan split wood.
Wed. Feb. 12, 1902 I took the children to school. John Miner was up to see about a house.
Thurs. Feb. 13, 1902 I took the children to school. Saw Elisha about moving. He thought his time wasn't up yet. Correll brought me 39 bu & 8 lb of corn of Mrs. Rarick. Me to pay 58 cts for it. I put up a quarter of beef today. Mrs. Correll was over here helping sew.
Fri. Feb. 14, 1902 I helped Lib wash. Dan split wood. John Miner was here to see about the Powell house. Elisha won't move till about the first of March.
Sat. Feb. 15, 1902 I and the boys went down to Mr. Garrisons to see him about barn.
Sun. Feb. 16, 1902 Went to Sunday school . I collected Elders sallery.
Mon. Feb. 17, 1902  Lib & I dressed 5 turkeys in the forenoon. Dan & I took them over in the afternoon to Mr. Stross. Got $5.46 for them. I paid Grabners $2.65 for a cross-cut saw & file. Paid Dan Blosser 50 cts.
Tues. Feb. 18, 1902 Dan & I cut logs. He took 3 10 foot logs to mill.
Wed. Feb. 19, 1902  Dan & I cut logs & took two to the mill. 13 ft. long and 27 in. thick for joise.
Thurs. Feb. 20, 1902  J. Hoffine paid me $2.00 on seed wheat. F. Correll paid me the 20 dollars that he got to pay for the horses he bought. Dan took 1 13 foot red oak log & one 10 foot red Oak log to the mill today. Correll & Will Widmyer helped me cut a tree this afternoon.
Fri. Feb. 21, 1902  Dan took 2 logs to Rosses Mill in the fore noon. Correll & Will Widmyer helped me cut a tree down & cut it in logs. I sold 3 of the logs to F. Correll at $16 per thousand.. They helped me one day. I went down to Os Miners for quarterlige with Bill Goshard. He got 3 loads of stone today. I went to Elisha Millers, J. Harmans & Ot Miners in the evening. 
Sat. Feb. 22, 1902  I went up to Clunette & settled with Mr. Mull for the Elders sallery. Paid him $7.25 & paid Lizza Shell what preacher money I gathered. Paid Wilson Byrer 20 cts for fixing log chain & crobar. Dan took 5 logs to Rosses today. John & I cut the other oak up in the wheat field. One log to 6 x 9 - 38 ft long. One log to 6 x 9 12 ft long.
Sun. Feb. 23, 1902  At home all day. John, Paul & Affa went down to Shans.
Mon. Feb. 24, 1902  Dan & I tended the shoats this morning. Then we cut logs. 2 Sugar 20 in. across, 12 ft long. 1 walnut 8 x 8 - 10 ft long, 3 cherry 8 x 8 - 10 feet long. 2 cherry 6 x 6 - 10 feet long, 1 white oak, 6 x 6 -10 feet long; 1 red oak 8 x 9 - 15 ft long. All the above on Mrs. Rarick.
Tues. Feb. 25, 1902  Dan & I sawed & trimmed up the big oak top back in the woods.
Wed. Feb. 26, 1902  Dan & I finished trimming the big oak top till noon. He worked back there in the afternoon. Correll & I went down to see J. Woolfs timber. I bought it for $100.00. C. Powell is Dr to 25 cts for medicine. Pd
Thurs. Feb. 27, 1902  Dan went down to the Wolf woods to skid logs. Correll skidded logs for me today. I paid H. Bowers $6.25 for buzzing wood. I went down to the J. Woolf woods this afternoon. H. Bowers in Dr to me 75 cts for helping him buzz wood. Forgot to settle this when we settled the above.
Fri. Feb. 28, 1902  Rainy. Dan & I chored all day. Fixed the saw & sawed some wood out in the orchard. Lib borrowed Heraras little stove today.