Oliver Wallace Diary
January 1901

Tues. Jan. 1, 1901 4 below zero. Done my chores in forenoon & butchered my beef in the afternoon. Bill and John Banks helped. Sold F. correll front quarter 114 lb at 5 cts $5.70. Dr. for the above. Pd. Sold Bill Clinger hind quarter 116 at 6 cts $6.96. He paid me. Shans got theirs 99 lb hind quarter.
Wed. Jan. 2, 1901 Zero. I cut up my beef in fore noon. Bruce Dean dehorned 7 head of cattle for me. Paid him $1.05. Went to church at night. Paid H. Bowers 15 cts for the use of his gun.
Thurs. Jan. 3, 1901 Mild. I helped Bankses butcher 2 hogs. Went over to Warfles & watered my cattle. Caught a rabbit. Huffine had a cow here. Lib helped Bankses butcher & her & the girls went to church in the evening.
Fri. Jan. 4, 1901 Fine. Fixed the cattle troughs & coal oiled my Funk stear. Went dow to Warfles & brought my cattle home.
Sat. Jan. 5, 1901 Mild. Lib & I went to Warsaw. I took my beef hide over. got 6 cts per lb. Weighed 60 lb. Brought. $3.60. I settled with Frazer & Oldfather for writing contract & examining Abstract $5.00. Bought a pencil 10 cts. B. Webster had a heifer here.
Sun. Jan. 6, 1901 Mild. The women went to Sunday School.
Mon. Jan. 7, 1901 I hewed out a sheep trough in the forenoon. Millard & Sade was here in the afternoon. John Coonte & wife was here. Went to church at night.
Tues. Jan. 8, 1901 Rained a little. I cleaned out my cattle stables in fore noon made a cattle trough in the after noon. Oscar Miner was here. Went to church at night.
Wed. Jan. 9, 1901 Snow & Rain. Fixed fence & went over to I. T. Smiths. His dogs was after my sheap. F. correll & I went down to O. Miners & bought 3 brood sows, 2 for me and 1 for him. Mine cost $22.50 & his $11.00.
Thurs. Jan. 10, 1901 Feeding my cattle & fixing fence. Oscar Miner brought 2 sows up that I bought yesterday. I paid him $5.00 on them. He got some linement for his hair 25cts. I am Dr to him yet $17.25. Paid Feb. 8, 1901.
Fri. Jan. 11, 1901 Snow a little. I cleaned oiut the stables & halled fodder to my cattle in fore noon. Made a gate in the afternoon. Went to church at night.
Sat. Jan. 12, 1901 Mild. I halled fodder to my cattle and fixed the horse trough in the fore noon. Fixed my sheap trough in the afternoon. Corrells has the scarlet tenna.
Sun. Jan. 13, 1901  Lib, Etta & I went to Sunday School. Went to church at night.
Mon. Jan. 14, 1901 Rain & Snow. Feeding my stock in the fore noon. The spotted sow that I bought of Oscar Miner was in season today. Went up and got fodder for my cattle. Went to church at night.
Tues. Jan. 15, 1901 Fine. I cleaned out my stables in the fore noon & halled fodder for my cattle in afternoon. Went to church in the evening. Meeting broke up. Paid 70 cts for sugar, coffe & saltpetre.
Wed. Jan. 16, 1901 Windy. After doing my chores, Etta, Dale, Lib & I went down to Shans visiting.
Thurs. Jan. 17, 1901 Windy & snowing a little. I went down to the marsh & made a bridge to get in to my hay in forenoon. Halled fodder & got ready to butcher in afternoon.
Fri. Jan. 18, 1901 Fine. I butchered 2 hogs today. Weighed about 700 lbs. W. Banks, Warfle, H. Bowers helped me. J. Blosser helped me till we got them hung. I went over to Corrells & got some caps for Henry Bowers gun.
Sat. Jan. 19, 1901 Fine. I went down and got a half load hay in fore noon to the Irvin farm. John & I went down to the Irvin farm in the after noon & got a load of hay.
Sun. Jan. 20, 1901 Fine. South wind and thawing. Lib & Etta went to Sunday School. 
Mon. Jan. 21, 1901 I unloaded a load of hay in the fore noon. Halled a load of corn down to the barn. Took a load of manure up in the corn field & brought fodder & corn down to feed in the morning.
Tues. Jan. 22, 1901 Weather fine. I cleaned out my cattle stables in the fore noon. Ezra came out in the after noon. He got 11 lb of side meat & 16 lb of ribs & backbone. He paid me 51 cts & is dr to $1.00 Paid.
Wed. Jan. 23, 1901 Rained & snow a little. I halled fodder for my cattle & halled a load of wood in the fore noon. I shaved in the afternoon. Took Henry's kettle & hog rack home. 
Thurs. Jan. 24, 1901 Snow 1 inch. I halled wood 6 loads, 5 out in the woods & 1 home. I fixed my hog house in the afternoon. First load home. Subscribed for the Chicago Record 3 mo. daily $1.25. John Harmon had a sow here.
Fri. Jan. 25, 1901 Nince. Done my feeding & went down to the marsh & got a load of hay. Shan & Bill Gochenhour had 2 sows here today. Left one. Etta & Affa went to prayer meeting tonight.
Sat. Jan. 26, 1901 Snowing. I went up to J. __?__ to see a cow that had an obstruction in her. Couldent do anything for her. I fixed the door & some rocking chairs in the afternoon.
Sun. Jan. 27, 1901 Lib, Etta & I went to Sunday School & church. I collected some of the elders sallery. Went to Bankses in the afternoon.
Mon. Jan. 28, 1901 Choring & unloaded a load of hay in fore noon. Shan & Bill Gochenhour came & got their sow that they left on friday. Charley Meak had his heifer here. I cleaned out the stables in the afternoon.
Tues. Jan. 29, 1901 I & Correll went out to J. L. Andreas saw mill. Got a check for the Rarick timber. Sold him 90 trees for $96.80. Came home & went up to Clunette & gathered Elders money. Paid George Bitticoffer $1.00 for Sexton. I talked with E. Miller about working for me.
Wed. Jan. 30, 1901 I and Lib went to warsaw. I drawed the money for the timber I sold. $96.80. I gave Lib $5.00. Paid $3.50 for John & Pauls felts to Richard Hafer. Paid Phillipson & Co. $3.00 for wollen over shirt & 1 pr drawers.
Thurs. Jan. 31, 1901 I done my chores & then went Rabbit hunting. Caught 2 in the fore noon. Parry Falley got two loads of stone. I went over where Fred Ringenberg & Ryman was cutting logs. I paid Correll $5.10 after taking out $5.70, what he owed me for beef from $10.80. Paid J. Coontz $2.75 Preachers quarterlige. Paid Affa 10 cts for building fires.