Tues. Jan. 1, 1907 |
I chored in the forenoon. H. Bowers & I went to Leesburg
and collected money for the church. We got from Port Harley $5.00.
We got from F. Bortz $10.00. We got from Cassa Hall $3.00. We
got from R. Wallace $5.00. We paid Rink & Berst $141.00 for
doors. |
Wed. Jan. 2, 1907 |
Lib & I helped Tennant butcher two hogs. |
Thurs. Jan. 3, 1907 |
Rainy. Millard & Alonzo were over here for dinner. I chored. |
Fri. Jan. 4, 1907 |
I fixed some fence. Paid J. Wolf $3.45 toll & phone rent. |
Sat. Jan. 5, 1907 |
I helped john clean out the stables & chored the rest of
the day. |
Sun. Jan. 6, 1907 |
Rained hard all day. I helped Lib dress a turkey for Kingerys.
We sent it over with the post man. |
Mon. Jan. 7, 1907 |
I went down and castrated a hog for Phil Banks & helped him
saw a tree down. I made a crate to ship chickens in, in the afternoon. |
Tues. Jan. 8, 1907 |
I took a coop of chickens to atwood in the morning. Paid C. Rovenstine
50 cts for mittens & lantern globe. |
Wed. Jan. 9, 1907 |
I chored. |
Thurs. Jan. 10, 1907 |
Done my chores. |
Fri. Jan. 11, 1907 |
I helped clean out the stables. |
Sat. Jan. 12, 1907 |
Done my chores. |
Sun. Jan. 13, 1907 |
Went to church & sunday school. |
Mon. Jan. 14, 1907 |
I chored in the fore noon. Went over to C. Rosses & settled
the church business. I paid H. Bowers Trasurer $60.00. |
Tues. Jan. 15, 1907 |
I went down to B. Gokenhours. Hi is some better. Been out some. |
Wed. Jan. 16, 1907 |
Windy and snowing. I done my chores. I sold H. Bittikoffer the
old spring tooth harrow for $1.00. pd. |
Thurs. Jan. 17, 1907 |
F. Correll & I went to B. Websters to see some cattle. We
dident buy them. Went from there to Leesburg & East of Leesburg
to see some timber. |
Fri. Jan. 18, 1907 |
Rainy. I chored. |
Sat. Jan. 19, 1907 |
Rainy & blowing. I chored. Lib & Hope went out to Frank
Pinkertons. They have a baby. |
Sun. Jan. 20, 1907 |
Rainy, very windy. It blew one of my barn doors off. |
Mon. Jan. 21, 1907 |
I chored. |
Tues. Jan. 22, 1907 |
I went out to Frank Pinkertons after Lib & Hope. |
Wed. Jan. 23, 1907 |
I chored. |
Thurs. Jan. 24, 1907 |
I chored today. |
Fri. Jan. 25, 1907 |
I chored all day. Doctored Maud today. Found her sick with cllick
& bladder trouble. |
Sat. Jan. 26, 1907 |
Maud is bad sick with collick & bladder trouble. Some better
today. We went to church in the evening. I went down to B. Gochenhour
& fixed the pump. I am dr. to E. Smith for Silinder for pump.
pd. |
Sun. Jan. 27, 1907 |
We went up to Sunday School & church. Wood preached in our
church. Maud is worse. |
Mon. Jan. 28, 1907 |
I doctored Maud. She is worse today. |
Tues. Jan. 29, 1907 |
Nice. John & I pulled Maud from the stable to the upper part
of the barn & loaded her on the wagon with the hay sling.
She died last night. |
Wed. Jan. 30, 1907 |
Nice. Lib & I helped Phil Banks butcher. We went to Clunette
to church this evening. |
Thurs. Jan. 31, 1907 |
Snowing a little. Lib & I went to Warsaw. We went to G. Dawsons
for dinner. I borrowed $100.00 of the State Bank. I paid J. Rough
sale note off today. $46.75. Paid the Globe $2.45 for me a pair
of pants and John a sweater. Paid Lantz $2.40 for drugs. Paid
Y. Morris 75 cts for this book. |