Oliver Wallace Diary
October 1901

Tues. Oct. 1, 1901 At home all day making apple butter. Elisha took 2 loads of what to Leesberg today. Widmyer got 6 bu & 4 lb of wheat. Paid me cash $1.50. Back on the wheat 78 cts.
Wed. Oct. 2, 1901 Lib & I went to the Irvin farm after peaches. Sold Widmyer 1 bu of peaches 50 cts per bu. Elisha took 2 loads of wheat to Leesberg today. Henry Bowers took 55 bu of wheat up today. 51 1/2 for me.
Thurs. Oct. 3, 1901 I took the last load of wheat today. Total halled 502 bu & 30 lb at 67cts. $339.18. $80 dollars is Libs. I went to warsaw in the afternoon & paid the not I gave for the binder $100.00. Paid Hafer & Richardson $3.90 for John & Paul shoes. James Irvin paid me $2.00 for the use of my drill.
Fri. Oct. 4, 1901 Elisha & I went down to the Irvin farm & brought 8 stears & old Lil & her calf home. We fixed fence around the straw stack & put up a foder rack. Fred Rink was here this evening to borrow my hog rack & I was going to use it. I commenced feeding my stears today. Henry Bowers brought his cattle home from my pasture today.
Sat. Oct. 5, 1901 Elisha & I made a lader & took R. Wallaces fence machine home. Worked Pedro. We took Bankses scales home. Gave Affa & Lib $1.10
Sun. Oct. 6, 1901 (no entry)
Mon. Oct. 7, 1901 I took 17 lambs to Atwood. Sold to cook at 4 cts weighed 1230 lb $49.20. 34 cts for we9ighing, leaves $48.80. Etas lambs 80 lb at 4 cts $3.20 from $48.86 leaves mine $45.66. Dan Ringgenberg & Charles Ringgenberg paid me for their seed wheat 40 bu & 32 lb at 67 1/2 cts $27.84. Went to warsaw in the afternoon to see Millard & Ezra about sending wheat to Marrion. I paid J. Bailor 50 ctts ballance due on clock.
Tues. Oct. 8, 1901 I went over to Millards & helped him clean wheat to send to Marrion to sow. About 26 bu. Took 11 of my sacks. Got home at noon. I went around by F. Clingers to see him & C. Roos. They was not at home. Went from there to Elishas & helped pick some apples Ryman. Got 5 bu. I went home by F. Clingers. Paid 3 notes of. One $20.00, one $30.00, one $50.00. Total with interest, 104.33. Paid C. Roos ballance I owed him. $3.50.
Wed. Oct. 9, 1901 Rainy. We are making apple butter. F. Correll paid me $15.43 on seed wheat. Has paid for all but 15 bu & Prissilla Rarick is to pay for that. F. Correll & I went down to R. Wallaces woods & looked at some trees. Met. S. Ross. Wanted to buy some apples. J. Goshard was over to buy apples. Dident get any. I went down & killed Wash Bankses bird mair for them down to J. Bankses.
Thurs. Oct. 10, 1901 I changed my fatning hogs from the North field to the East 22 acre field. Put up salt trough for my cattle & turned stear & calf out of the orchard into the lane & north field. Lib Wallace paid me $15.00 - $12.00 for the hog she got of Os Miner & $3.00 for mishanary money that I paid for her. Lib went down west. Elisha Miller missed 1/2 day. I went down & picked apples. Mrs. Clinger was over. She paid me back 40 cts that I over paid them on note.
Fri. Oct. 11, 1901 Raining this evening. I fixed a pair of shaves. Picked some apples in the forenoon. Lib & Affa went to Warsaw. I went dow to Elishas & helped him pick apples in the afternoon. Cook was here to buy my hogs paying $5.90 per hundred.
Sat. Oct. 12, 1901 Raining. Rained all last night. Chored. Raining hard all day.
Sun. Oct. 13, 1901 Rainy in afternoon. At home till noon. Paul & I went to Bourbon in the afternoon. I gave Etta $20.00 to pay. Hon. $7.00, Alice Poland $10.00 & three for herself.
Mon. Oct. 14, 1901 Very Foggy. I went ovut to Frank Pinkertons. Bough his lambs at 4 cts per lb. To fetch them Thursday if weather is nice. I bought 25 bu of potatoes of Hershberger. Paid 60 cts per bu. $15,00 Will Widmyer & ___ husked corn in the afternoon. 
Tues. Oct. 15, 1901 The boys & I went down to the Irvin farm & fixed the gates & let my cattle in the North pasture. Will Widmyer & ___ husked corn all day. I unloaded potatoes & husked corn in the afternoon.
Wed. Oct. 16, 1901 Rainy. The boys & I got in one load of corn in the forenoon. Husked 2 shocks of corn in the afternoon. Frank Pinkerton brought his lambs this afternoon. Weighed out there 1340 at 4 cts $53.60. 17 lambs. Weighed over on Crabs scales 1270 lbs.
Thurs. Oct. 17, 1901 Cloudy. Husking corn & picking apples.
Fri. Oct. 18, 1901 Husking corn in the fore noon. Halled in 2 loads with the low wagon & one with the hog rack. I gave G. Bitticoffer $2.00 for Section.
Sat. Oct. 19, 1901 H. Bowers & H. Zimmerman borrowed my carriage. The boys & I brought 2 loads of corn from the Powell place. Elisha & I finished picking up a load of sider apples & went down to the Irvin farm & picked about 7 bu for him for vinigar. Paid him one dollar $1.00
Sun. Oct. 20, 1901 Nice. We went to Sunday School.
Mon. Oct. 21, 1901  Ezra came out to hall his oats. Got Maud & Bankses wagon. Elisha & I went to the sider mill down to E. Clingers. Got 140 gal. Pd $1.40
Tues. Oct. 22, 1901 We boilt sider all day. John Rusher got 3 bu of apples .75cts.
Wed. Oct. 23, 1901 We picked the wine sap apples today.
Thurs. Oct. 24, 1901  Fine. We were making apple butter. John Stokey got 14 bu apples at 25 cts. $3.50. 
Fri. Oct. 25, 1901 Fine. Making Apple butter. Elisha made him a barrel of vinigar. Elisha made 50 gallons of sider today for himself. Ezra brought Maud & the wagon home today. I sold hime 3 bu of apples for $1.00 cash. Paid the male man for the Record Herald.
Sat. Oct. 26, 1901 Fine. Elisha missed this forenoon sick. Husked corn in the aftenoon. I bought Mrs. Raricks oats today to pay her what they are worth in the market the middle of February. Port Harley & wife got 5 bu of apples $2.50. I went over to Corrells to see Mrs. Raricks corn. I caught a rabbit his dog had holed.
Sun. Oct. 27, 1901 Fine. The boys & I gathered the Russet apples & hulled a bushel of wallnuts in the forenoon. Husked corn in the afternoon. Etta came home today. Drove Hons horse, his boy & Alice Polands girl came with her.
Mon. Oct. 28, 1901 John & the girls went to Sunday School.
Tues. Oct. 29, 1901 Chored in the fore noon. Went down to Elishas at noon. Helped him take the old stove out of the wagon. Came home & I went to Warsaw. Took J. Widamon 8 bu of apples 75 cts per bu. $2.25. Paid Hass & Co. for beef 34 cts. Paid the Globe $1.00 for John a coat. Elisha went down to the Irvin farm & dug potatoes. Paid my taxes. $26.55. Libs was $6.60.
Wed. Oct. 30, 1901 Husked corn in the fore noon. Elisha & I. We halled wood in the afternoon. Lib & Affa went to warsaw.
Thurs. Oct. 31, 1901 Elisha & I finished husking corn down to the Powell place in the fore noon. I went to J. Koontz barn raising in the afternoon. I collected moving expenses for the preacher. Gus Myers was out to buy my hogs offered me $5.25 per hund. I dident sell.